Critical Thinking


online learning tips working professionals

How Finance Scholarships Motivate Students (Tips for Teachers)

TeachThought StaffFeb 20, 20258 min read

By challenging applicants to think critically about real-world money issues, it helps them develop better financial habits and professional skills. 

What Should A School Do

What Should A School Do?

Terrell HeickFeb 19, 20253 min read

If we are not aware of this relative mediocrity, it’s an indictment of our vision. If we are, it is an indictment of our character.

additive grading definition

What Is Additive Grading?

TeachThought StaffFeb 18, 20255 min read

Additive grading is method of grading that starts all students at zero and adds points for accomplishments and mastery.

A Better Alternative To Grading Student Writing

A Better Alternative To Grading Student Writing

Terrell HeickFeb 18, 20254 min read

For amateurs developing skills, the process is far more important than the product. This is true in science and is true for writing, too.

