A Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Graphic
by TeachThought Staff
If you’re a TeachThought reader, you know that thought is at the core of our content–curiosity, critical thinking, self-direction, and play among other slivers of learning.
This is especially true regarding teaching, learning, and technology. At the point where teaching, learning, and thinking overlap, the concept of a learning taxonomy is present. At the center of that overlap is Bloom’s Taxonomy, certainly the most iconic of the thinking frameworks we use today.
And somewhere in that center of overlap is this graphic. You’ve probably seen the dozens of posts we’ve done to clarify Bloom’s–at least in form. We’ve shared different versions of Bloom’s taxonomy–pinwheels, iPad wheels, charts, cards, posters, power verbs, a simplified version for students, you name it.
Teacher have always found Bloom’s taxonomy useful–which makes sense: If teaching is about thinking, any way to get a fresh take on a taxonomy that promotes it should draw some interest. We’ve featured graphics like these–often by Mia MacMeekin–in the past. Mia does a great job of capturing useful tips and strategies in easy-to-digest graphics, and this graphic is no exception
Regarding graphic commentary, it’s a straightforward take on Bloom’s updated taxonomy (Create on top). It also includes the power verbs useful in writing lessons, objectives, etc. Check out Mia’s site and let her know what you think.
A Taxonomy Tree: A Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Graphic