22 Myths In Modern Academic Learning

22 Myths In Modern Academic Learning

What Are The Greatest Myths Of Modern Academic Learning?

Below are 22 myths in modern academic learning. No explanation, no analysis, just 22 commonly held misconceptions about learning in academia.

See also 18 Myths About Education That Are All Too Easy To Believe

1. Poor assessment performance means that learners don’t understand.

2. Progressive education should be dominated by technology.

3. Schools should teach students to read.

4. Tests measure understanding.

5. Differentiation means to teach based on learning style.

6. Collaboration in the learning process should be constant.

7. Writing is for English-Language Arts-Literature classes.

8. Mobile devices are distractions.

9. Scripted curricula is a valid response to content coverage needs.

10. Social media is too dangerous–or whimsical–to use.

11. The teacher is in control.

12. Learning outcomes can be predicted before a learning experience.

13. Rigor means difficult, and difficult means rigorous.

14. Transfer should only be used during assessment.

15. District “non-negotiables” are an appropriate response to instructional alignment.

16. Teachers are “the problem.”

17. A pre-test for the test to predict the performance on the test that itself is meant to predict understanding is an efficient way to process learning.

18. Engagement means learning.

19. Adoption of trendy learning tools will automatically improve learning.

20. Ignoring trendy learning tools helps keep the focus on “what’s important.”

21. Depth of knowledge doesn’t matter.

22. Curiosity is for cats.

22 Myths In Modern Academic Learning

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