Twitter With Meaning? 5 Authentic Roles For Twitter In Your School

Twitter With Meaning? 5 Authentic Roles For Twitter In Your School by TeachThought Staff We’ve theorized before that learning through […]

Teaching with twitter fi

teaching-with-twitter-fiTwitter With Meaning? 5 Authentic Roles For Twitter In Your School

by TeachThought Staff

We’ve theorized before that learning through social networks is the future. Twitter in the classroom? This is also an idea we’ve covered in the past.

But what about a simple process for schools to use begin using twitter meaningfully? With that question in mind, and in conjunction with USC Rossier School of Education, we developed the following graphic. We kept it basic with 5 pathways: Resources, Student Learning, PLNs, Emerging Trends, And PD.

5 Authentic Roles For Twitter In Your School

  1. Find resources
  2. Develop Student Thinking
  3. Help Teachers Engage With A Global Professional Learning Network (See also 20 Ways To Improve Your PLN)
  4. Monitor Emerging Trends
  5. Find Professional Development
  • Follow accounts from education’s thought leaders. The graphic has some good ideas. See also Jackie Gerstein, MindShift, Terry Heick, Audrey Watters, and more.
  • Use twitter’s search bar–search for your what you’re interested in learning more about. This isn’t as staright-forward as a Google search, for example, but you’ll get a better sense of the kinds of information people are sharing.
  • Know your hashtags. They’re a valuable tool to use to follow and participate in conversations on certain topics and themed twitter chats.
  • Engage with your colleagues by retweeting important or useful resources, starring interesting tweets, asking follow-up questions, and sharing resources on or from other social channels.


Made possible by TeachThought and USC Rossier’s online Master of Arts in Teaching degree; Twitter With Meaning? 5 Authentic Roles For Twitter In Your School

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.