As a teacher, it can be inspiring to look into other classrooms.
Whether you’re looking for ideas, or just want to see others engaging in the process of learning without feeling responsible for every single step, being a fly on a classroom wall can be pretty cool–which makes the following panorama of a busy elementary classroom from flickr user woodleywonderworks pretty cool too.
With all of the adults in the room, this looks to be some kind of science fair, show-and-tell, or project-based learning showcase. (Or a very well-funded district.)
The room is setup for traditional elementary learning stations (which seem to fall out of favor by 6th grade for some reason).
Two desktops are visible, but otherwise it’s relatively free of technology, and seems more focused on spaces and face-to-face communication (which highlights interpersonal and social learning).
What else do you see? (If you click on the image, it will enlarge.)
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Image attribution flickr user woodleywonderworks