Dear 1st-Year Me: 6 Takeaways From 32 Years Of Teaching
contributed by Sharon Davison
Dear First Year Me,
So you have decided to share your energy, strength, perseverance and courage to become a teacher! Congratulations! You can do it because you care about making a difference. Just remember to…..
6 Simple Takeaways From 32 Years Of Teaching
1. Be patient–with others and yourself.
You will be able to make a difference for many if you have empathy and perseverance. Take the extra time to be patient and listen–both to others and your own mind and body and overall well-being. Notice how your students react and interact with each other and the culture you create and design. Be responsive and flexible to making changes that support your students needs. Collaborate to make a difference for others in the communities you teach.
Through your modeling of caring, your students and their families can become engaged.
2. Be passionate (about the right things).
Celebrate the learning that is happening inside and outside of your classrooms.
Express your excitement through your face to face, online and other opportunities that you create. Through your passion, your students will get inspired and become passionate about their learning explorations. Remember to dance, laugh and sing.
3. Surround yourself with people who inspire you and challenge your thinking.
Remember as a teacher you have lots of opportunities to learn and interact. Think about how you and your students might learn more from others than they do from you. Look for others who are doing creative and innovative things. Through others ideas, you develop your own inspiration and find your voice. You have the ability to be brilliant and make a difference.
4. Connect, connect, connect.
Develop your PLN! This is vital and very important.
This is where your thinking is challenged and you will connect in many ways that will turn into future collaborations. Through your connections you will develop a group of people, who like you, care, want to make a difference and are willing to make changes that improve their teaching practice.
Your PLN is always there. Count on them and lean on them when you need support, want to celebrate, collaborate and need inspiration. Join professional learning communities that promote and engage what is important to you.
5. Be transparent.
It is okay to share what you are thinking and why.
Through your transparency you will invite others in and share your perspective. Think about blended learning resources that can help share the learning you and your students are exploring together. Information is important for all of us. Make it meaningful and interactive.
Through your explicit modeling of sharing globally, your audience will be broad and you will connect and others will benefit from your ideas as you will be inspired by theirs.
6. Be well.
Remember that what you do for your own personal wellness is important. Your wellness of mind and body gives you stability, strength, endurance and patience. Exercise and healthy eating keeps your mind and body healthy and active. Be sure to pursue your passions that recharge you and make you feel energized. Positive energy is contagious and helps everyone be successful.
You will have many opportunities to growth, be inspired and have your thinking challenged. Be open to this idea. Through your ability to transform and be transparent, you will have endless opportunities to learn alongside others, who like you, care, care a lot.
See here for more ‘whole’ teacher well-being resources and tips.
Teacher Advice? A Teacher Reflects Back On 32 Years And Offers 6 Simple Nuggets Of Advice; 6 Simple Takeaways From 32 Years Of Teaching