10 Benefits Of Blended Learning For Teachers [Infographic]

What Are The Benefits Of Blended Learning? Blended learning–the mixing of eLearning and face-to-face learning–is a natural response to the […]

10 Benefits Of Blended Learning For Teachers [Infographic]

What Are The Benefits Of Blended Learning?

Blended learning–the mixing of eLearning and face-to-face learning–is a natural response to the growing accessibility of eLearning, and the continued need for a human component, and the existing infrastructure of countless brick-mortal educational institutions. In fact, blended learning is as much as compromise as it is an experiment to see how well this whole learn-by-computer thing works.

But while much attention is given to the impact on students and academic performance, little thought is given for how it impacts teachers as professionals. The following infographic does exactly that, offering up 10 perceived benefits of blended learning on the teaching profession, including better information, team teaching, more time with students, and expanded opportunity for leadership. Blended-Learning-Teaching-Infographic

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