12 Pros & Cons To BYOD In Education [Infographic]

BYOD allows learners to use tech they're most comfortable with. Organizations are increasingly willing to help foot the bill.

What Are The Pros & Cons To BYOD In Education?

Very few industries are unaffected by technology, and education is no different. But technology isn’t free.

Bring Your Own Device is a logical response to the cost of technology implementation. But perhaps more critically, BYOD allows learners to use the technology they’re most comfortable with, and in the spirit of compromise, organizations are increasingly willing to help foot the bill.

And while equity is a concern, the results of the following survey indicate that 85% of students and adults own a smartphone capable of fulfilling learning requirements.

Among the colleges having implemented BYOD efforts? Seton Hall, University of South Florida, and King’s College in the UK.

Going BYOD

Image attribution OnlineColleges; Iamge attribution flickr user seanmacentee

Founder & Director of TeachThought