Twitter Hashtags: A Complete Guide
What is a hashtag?
A word or phrase preceded by a “#.”
How do hashtags work?
Twitter can be a busy place with lots of tweets–and thus lots of “noise.”
A #hashtag is a way to aggregate tweets that are appended with a hashtag. Picture it like a magnet that attracts all messages categorized by that topical word or phrase.
See also 50 Of The Best Education Accounts On Twitter
Who can use hashtags?
Anyone. When you tweet and want your message to be part of a larger conversation beyond your followers, add a relevant hashtag from the list below to the end of your message, and you’ll automatically reach anyone who is monitoring the same hashtag. Cool, yes?
What else do I need to know?
- Don’t hashtag spam–if your tweet doesn’t add to that hashtag’s topic, discussion, or user base, don’t add the hashtag.
- Use more than one hashtag if it applies to more than one topic, but choose wisely. If you want that hashtag’s community to value your input, take care to keep that twitter stream nice, tidy, and free from “visual debris.”
Meeting Times
Many of the hashtags have “meeting times” where educators agree to “meet and tweet”–that is, send out messages on a topic at a certain time on a certain day.
If you do participate at the agreed upon time, you’ll see the tweets stream in live and participate in said conversation (via twitter) in what is nearly real-time. But if you can’t make it, the great part about a hashtag is that it does the sorting for you. You can search for messages assigned to a given hashtag anytime–tomorrow, Sunday night, or during your planning period next week.
Note, this list of Twitter hashtags for education will be updated periodically, including reorganization, and functional linking on all hashtags.
Updated: Added #edcamp, #ukedchat, #whatisschool
Popular Hashtags
- #lrnchat (social media and education)
- #edchat
- #blendchat (blended learning)
- #mlearning
- #elearning
- #ipadchat
- #pbl/#pblchat (project-based learning)
- #passiondriven
- #ntchat (for new teachers)
- #gbl (game-based learning, from serious games and simulations to video games and more)
- #edtech (education technology)
- #ukedchat
- #edtech
- #elearning
- #mlearning
- #web20
- #flipclass
- #edchat
- #BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)
- #iPaded (iPads in education)
- #EdApps (education and learning apps
- #k12
- #cpchat
- #highered
- #21stedchat
- #whatischool
- #flipclass
- #digped
- #byod
- #1:1
- #mlearning
- #blendedlearning
- #flatclass
- #ipad
- #earlyed
- #elemchat
- #middleschool
- #highschool
- #commoncore
- #cchat
- #edreformtribe
- #edreform
- #parentpower
- #edpolicy
- #teacherquality
- #eddata
- #schoolchoice
- #putkidsfirst
- #parentalchoice
- #edleadership
- #eduleaders
- #achievementgap
- #edgap
- #inquiryed
- #ibpyp
- #edcamp
Content Areas
- #engchat
- #litchat
- #arted
- #musedchat
- #math
- #mathchat
- #science
- #scichat
- #sschat
- #histedchat
- #historyteaching
Digital Citizenship
- #digitalcitizenship
- #edtech
- #edtechchat
- #privacy
- #21stedchat
- #digcit
- #parenting
- #ettipad
- #internetsafety
- #cyberbullying
- #literacy
- #multiliteracy
- #dyslexia
- #infolit
English-Language Arts & Literature
- #engchat
- #books
- #grammar
- #litchat
- #teachingenglish
- #amwriting
- #writing
- #writetip
- #tablet
- #mobile
- #byod
- #ios
- #ios6
- #ipad
- #ipadgames
- #ipaded
- #ettipad
- #ipadedu
- #mlearning
- #edtech
- #ipadapps
- #apple
- #apps
- #edapps
Science Specific
- #scienceed
- #scichat
- #science
- #physics
- #scienceteacher
- #technology
- #sciencenews
- #geology
- #anatomy
- #ecosystems
- #sciam
- #genetics
- #astronomy
- #scienceblogging
- #computerscience
- #climatechange
- #chemistry
- #apple
- #eltchat
- #elt
- #ipad
- #mlearning
- #1to1
- #iste
- #blackedu
- #latinoedu
- #nativeedu
- #urbaned
- #nclb
- #edadmin
- #schooldistricts
- #spedchat
- #dropouts
- #esea
- #teachered
- #schoolreform
- #occupyeducation
- #collegeaffordability
- #archdaily
- #art
- #font
- #originality
- #ideas
- #apple
- #socialmedia
- #architecture
- #design
- #engineer
Special Needs
- #ece
- #specialneeds
- #dyslexia
- #tck
- #toddlers
- #preschool
- #cerebralpalsy
- #spedchat
- #gifted
- #bilingual
- #autism
- #aspergers
- #teachpreschool
- #highered
Distance Education
Home & Parenting
- #commoncore
- #cchat
- #books
- #literature
- #Business
- #writing
- #economy
- #geography
- #arted
- #biology
- #artsed
- #science
- #math
- #ACT
- #SAT
- #scholarship
- #highered
- #collegechat
- #collegebound
Groups & Chats
- #tesol
- #efl
- #ell
- #esl
Human Rights
- #diversity
- #heritage
- #health
- #race
- #eco
- #humantrafficking
- #slavery
- #aid
- #humanrights
- #education
- #sustainability
- #library
- #digital
- #research
- #infolit
- #tlchat
nji media onlinecollegecourses insidehighered onlineuniversities onlinedegrees cybraryman edudemic novemberlearning
The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags For Education