Free Teaching Materials On Healthy Food Choices For Children

Healthy Food Choices

Available: Free Teaching Materials On Healthy Food Choices For Children

contributed by Debbie Bookstaber

This post is sponsored by Hooray 4 Healthy Curriculum

Physical activity and healthy food options are important for children’s brain development, fitness level, and general comfort and contentment as growing human beings.

The goal isn’t to ‘eat well,’ but rather is, for healthy and happy children to grow into healthy and happy adults. Setting an example early in life, then, is especially important for developing life-long habits.

At Life Time Foundation and, we are dedicated to fixing the biggest problems with school food – processed, artificial and unhealthy foods being served to kids every day.

To accomplish this, we’ve focused on educating teachers and schools about ‘The Harmful 7’ ingredients that make food unhealthy. By empowering schools, teachers, and parents, to make it happen on their local community campuses, this can be a bottom-up change that endures over time rather than a tacked-on ‘push’ or program that is soon replaced and forgotten.

7 Of The Most Common Ingredients That Make Food Unhealthy

The Harmful 7 are the ingredients in school lunches most associated with inadequate nutrition and harmful food items. Life Time Foundation hopes that by reducing and eventually eliminating these seven, schools can make big improvements in the nutritional value of healthy food choices for growing children.

7 Of The Most Harmful Ingredients In Foods

  1. Trans Fats & Hydrogenated Oils
  2. High-Fructose Corn Syrup
  3. Hormones & Antibiotics
  4. Processed & Artificial Sweeteners
  5. Artificial Colors & Flavors
  6. Artificial Preservatives
  7. Bleached Flour

Through the Life Time Foundation’s Hooray 4 Healthy free program, schools can help students in 1st-4th grade learn about these ingredients and thus about staying healthy. In order to accomplish this, Life Time Foundation has created four videos to learn about the following topics:

  1. Fruits & Vegetables
  2. Protein
  3. Whole Grains
  4. Hydration

This free program includes a 2-minute physical activity video, and a teacher guide “checklist” to assist the instructor in the leading the lesson, and a parent support guide to extend learning to the home with each lesson and other free resources.

All of these lessons are available free at

Download Our Free Teaching Materials On Healthy Food Choices For Children

We know how difficult change can be for schools but teachers can certainly lead the charge. When we start children in the right direction of health and wellness, we help them create habits for success for the rest of their lives.

Thankfully we don’t have to try to coordinate that totally on our own. Working together to spread awareness, momentum for change can build and begin to sustain itself over time.

Download free materials for teaching this nutrition series at and get started changing the health of your schools and community today!

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post.

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