What Are The Best Tools For Educational Research?
by TeachThought Staff
What are the best tools for educational research?
In Search Engines For Academic Research, we shared a list of actual search platforms including BASE, saying “BASE is one of the world’s most voluminous search engines, especially for academic web resources. BASE provides more than 200 million documents from more than 8,000 content providers. You can access the full texts of about 60% of the indexed documents for free (Open Access). BASE is operated by Bielefeld University Library.”
Below, we shared tools for educational research specifically. Note, many of the tools on the above list may also be useful, too.
Tools And Platforms To Find Education Research About Teaching And Learning
Function: Search for educational research studies, data, and more
National Center for Education Research
Function: Search for educational research studies and related resources
Function: Search for educational research studies in addition to less formally-academic content
Function: Search for educational research studies and related resources
Function: save/curate research you find across the internet
Function: Cite research in writing, presentations, etc.
Function: Search for educational research studies and related resources
Function: Save/curate research
Function: Skim topics, read summaries of concepts, find overviews of research; check Works Cited (References) section at the bottom of articles for citations
Function: Summarize research, curate screenshots, take and share notes, organize research by binder for topics, etc.
Function: Not purely ‘education research,’ Bookshlf uses ‘human-driven’ curation of content (as opposed to algorithm-based)
Function: Listen to 3-minute summaries of content to analyze its value to your research, etc.
Function: Finds free scholarly full texts, metrics, and provides quick citation and sharing links.
About: The stated goal of Pubpeer is “to improve the quality of scientific research by enabling innovative approaches for community interaction. The bylaws of the Foundation establish pubpeer.com as a service run for the benefit of its readers and commenters, who create its content. Our current focus is maintaining and developing the PubPeer online platform for post-publication peer review.”
14 Of The Best Tools For Educational Research