Bullet Proof Blankets For School Shootings Are A Thing

Bullet Proof Blankets For School Shootings Are A Thing by Terry Heick There is a market for bullet proof–or rather, […]

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Bullet Proof Blankets For School Shootings Are A Thing

by Terry Heick

There is a market for bullet proof–or rather, bullet resistant–blankets to cover children with.

I’m incapable of contextualizing this, so I’m just going to share some information and links for further reading, then move on before I take off running and never stop, Forrest Gump style.

The only remotely comforting handle I can find is that they can also be used for tornadoes (which is, thankfully, where the video starts). The manufacturer explains their purpose.

“Despite increased security measures in recent years, U.S. school shootings continue to rise. The tragedy at Connecticut’s Sandy Hook Elementary school in 2012, warns us that children of all ages are at risk. As of Feb. 12th, 2014 approximately 44 school shootings have occurred in the United States since that tragic day. Regrettably, 28 lives were senselessly lost by these murderous acts. (http://www.policymic.com/articles/76637/44-school-shootings-and-28-deaths-since-sandy-hook-america-is-failing-miserably-on-guns). It is sad to say that these numbers continue to rise each year.

“What will be done to stop or reduce the number of deaths caused by school shootings? Debates continue throughout the nation on the appropriate course of action that will need to be taken to reduce school shootings and related deaths. Our children, who attend pre-school to 12th grade and college, as well as thousands of dedicated teachers, continue to be at risk from these attacks while at school each day.”

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Both CNET and Buzzfeed have posts on it, and you can find more on the manufacturer’s website. The CNET post even mentions a whiteboard that can double as a bulletproof deflector.

And with that, I’m done.

Bullet Proof Blankets For School Shootings Are A Thing

Founder & Director of TeachThought