Challenge Your Students To Create A Video Game In Unique Contest

This is a guest-post by Green Ribbon Schools and Healthivores We hear time and time again about children’s increasingly unhealthy […]

Healthivores fi

This is a guest-post by Green Ribbon Schools and Healthivores

We hear time and time again about children’s increasingly unhealthy lifestyles, and the United State’s ever decreasing STEM skills, but often the problem seems to big and intimidating to address in your classroom. Technology is ever changing, and often times teachers are left in the dust, as their student’s knowledge of technology far surpasses the teacher’s knowledge.

Green Ribbon Schools is a non-profit that has launched a program called Healthivores that addresses all of those issues.

Healthivores is a K-12 video game design contest where students create online video games around health and fitness. Green Ribbon Schools has done a great job providing teachers with step by step lesson plans, how-to videos, and a tool-kit that make implementing the Healthivores Video Game contest in any classroom super easy, even if the teacher has zero-game design experience.

You will have your students complete their video games in less than 4 weeks. This year we have added TechnologyScience and Math focused Lesson Plan options to the already popular Nutrition and Fitness Lesson Plan.

This year our judges will choose one winning entry from each of the following categories: elementary, middle, and high school. 

Each winning team will receive one laptop for the teacher, one for the school and one for each student on the team.

Deadline for entry is March 31, 2013 (allow 4 weeks for completion of Lesson Plan).  You can get started now at the Healthivores Video Game Contest homepage, and view last year’s winning games here.

Challenge Your Students To Create A Video Game In Unique Contest

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