The International Conference of Creativity, Thinking & Education

This forum is meant to provide a space in which new ideas and projects can be shared between teachers and education leaders.


The International Conference of Creativity, Thinking & Education FAQ

The International Conference of Creativity, Thinking & Education
Saturday & Sunday, May 3 – 4, 2014
Congress Plaza Hotel of Chicago

520 South Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60605 USA

The mission of this conference is to allow educators to explore horizons on the cutting edge of creativity, brain-based education and techniques to relieve stress in the classroom in order for children and educators to reconnect with the essence of teaching and learning. Education should and can open up new worlds and experiences for students and practitioners and this forum is meant to provide a space in which new ideas and projects can be shared.

T.A. Barron — Saturday May 3, 2014 
The Magic of Creativity

T.A. Barron, highly acclaimed author of The Merlin SagaThe Great Tree of AvalonAtlantis Rising, and many other books, discusses the wondrous power of words. Through stories, we can create new worlds, find lasting inspiration, and reach across boundaries of all kinds.

Sharon Promislow — Sunday May 4, 2014
Making the Connection Between Creativity, Stress & the Brain

Learning and creativity depend upon more than an enriched environment, a dedicated teacher, and a willing student. The key to higher-level cognition lies in an integrated whole brain/body experience, hinging on proprioception in muscle circuits as well as communication throughout the brain itself.

Press Inquiries & Media Contact

Ben Pavlovic: 312-961-3919, [email protected]
Nicole Duhoski: 312-622-0045, [email protected]

Image attribution flickr user luismorello

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.