The TeachThought Podcast Ep 5, Featuring Jennifer Gonzales
by TeachThought Staff
This is episode 5 of the TeachThought Podcast!
In this episode I talk to Jennifer Gonzales from the Cult of Pedagogy website. In this conversation, we talk about where she’s from, how to pronounce “pedagogy,” and how and why it’s useful to connect with other teachers.
We also take about the struggles of teaching in a non-progressive district, (on a non-related note) booze, Germany, and even manage to make the conversation edu-relevant by beginning to discuss personalized learning before we had to cut the conversation short.
We’re trying to schedule again with her soon. For now, here is my conversation with Jennifer.
Listen Here
Links & Resources Mentioned In This Episode
- Cult of Pedagogy Site
- Cult of Pedagogy on twitter
- Bowling Green, KY (where Jennifer makes hay)

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