5 Tips To Pass The Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities Exam

Listed below are five tips to remember and follow when taking the TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Exam.

How To Pass The TExES Pedagogy & Professional Responsibilities Exam

contributed by Scott Rozell, 240Tutoring.com

The TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities test is made to determine whether the person taking it has the knowledge and skills that an entry-level teacher in Texas public schools must possess.

There are 100 selected response questions covering grade levels Early Childhood through Grade 12. You will have five hours to take the exam. However, if you are well prepared, you will not need close to that much time.

The questions relate to four different categories (domains):

  • Designing instruction and assessment to promote student learning.
  • Creating a positive, productive classroom environment.
  • Implementing effective, responsive instruction and assessment.
  • Fulfilling professional roles and responsibilities.

Before you even sit down to take the exam, prepare ahead for the day. Be on time! We all see those stragglers that have paid for the test, but then show up late and are not allowed to even take it. Darwinism at its best! Survival of the fittest. Kindly thank those people in your head for making it easier on you to acquire a teaching job.

Have your ID with you along with your admission ticket. Again, don’t eliminate yourself just because you forgot something in your car. Lastly, leave your electronic devices in your vehicle. There are no devices allowed during the test, so why even bring it in the building. That text from your mom to clean up after yourself can wait until after the exam.

Listed below are five tips to remember and follow when taking the TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities Exam.

1. Answer all questions. Do not leave any blank. Questions that are left blank are automatically marked wrong. If you are not positive about an answer, quickly disregard the incorrect ones first. There is usually a blatantly incorrect answer option for every question on the exam.

2. During this exam, you are going to be prompted to recall information you have learned during your coursework. Do not just regurgitate the data and expect to get the question correct. You must think critically about this information, analyze it, and then apply it to the situation they are describing. Use proper judgment from there to determine what the correct action should be. Make sure to practice answering the questions. To find fantastic, realistic questions, use the 240Tutoring TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibility EC-12 Study Guide.

3. Carefully read the questions on the exam. There are many where the question will instruct you to choose ALL the correct answers. Some will have you click on the proper sentence in a reading passage. Others will have you click on possibly a graph or a table. Do not receive a poor score on the exam just because you became a bit excited and did not read the entire question fully.

4. The exam questions will ask you to recall proper information on handling different grade levels. You would not respond the same way to a high school student than you would a first grader. Carefully take note of the grade level that the question pertains to. Use your critical thinking skills to assist you in choosing the best answer to the problem.

5. Quite a bit of the exam can be common sense questions. You will not even need to recall all the facts you learned during your Education classes. Those exam questions are just trying to determine if you have common sense to go along with the book learning you have been doing. For some people, these questions on the exam will be the easiest part. For others, they may spend a lot of time trying to figure out the answers.

Scott Rozell is the Director of 240Tutoring, Inc. 240Tutoring is the premiere provider of TExES study guides and has helped over ten thousand teachers pass their certification exam and get into the classroom.

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