Share Your Classroom With The World

Take A Classroom Selfie & Share It With Us We want to see inside your classroom. Not necessarily an image with […]

Take A Classroom Selfie & Share It With Us

We want to see inside your classroom. Not necessarily an image with your face in it. You probably have a lovely face, but we want to see the classroom itself. If your face is part of it and you love your face, send away.

It may be dirty. (The classroom, that is.) It may need paint. It can be rural, inner-city, suburban, well-funded, or funded-by-half-price-books. It doesn’t matter. The photo may be taken with your phone–that’s okay, just make sure it’s well-lighted.

It may not impress anyone. That’s okay, too. This is a selfie culture, and your classroom hasn’t been shared a single time with your global PLN. Let’s change that.

Bonus points if student work, artifacts, etc., are visible–or even the focus. More bonus points for originality.

Email us, tweet @teachthought, or find us elsewhere on social media.

Note, if you send it to us, that means we can use it in a post or on social media so other teachers can see inside it too. That means make sure you either don’t include student faces, or have permission from them to do so.

Most interesting picture (notice we didn’t say “cutting edge,” though that could make it compelling too–share what you’ve got!) gets its own “Classroom of the Week” post, and the intense self-satisfaction such a coveted award brings.

Image attribution flickr user oldwomanshoe

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.