Watch This ‘With-It’ Teacher Pranks Students With Spelling Quiz
by TeachThought Staff
While education is a serious endeavor, that doesn’t mean we can’t–at times–take ourselves too seriously.
Which is what makes the following story that’s gone viral on twitter so much fun. Michigan teacher Joe Dombrowski recently gave his 4th-grade students a spelling quiz, but it wasn’t the kind of quiz they were expecting.
As part of an early April Fools’ Day prank, the clearly student-aware and erstwhile ‘with-it’ educator created a spelling quiz full of made-up words (wazamata: The students said they were sick, I said ‘Wazamata with you?’).
While the words are entertaining, the most endearing part of the video is the fantastic relationship he clearly has with his students. Consider that he is, on the fly, giving students new words in rapid-fire succession that they believe they’re going to be tested on, and no matter how absurd the words sound, the worst you hear from the students is, “What? That sounds like Chinese!”
Consider that he is, on the fly, giving students new words in rapid-fire succession that they believe they’re going to be tested on, and no matter how absurd the words sound, the worst you hear from the students is, “What? That sounds like Chinese!” mixed in with some light-hearted groaning as they scramble to keep up.
If you haven’t seen it, it’s definitely worth a watch at just over 2 minutes in length.
Teacher plays cruel but hilarious prank on his students
‘With-It’ Teacher Pranks Students With Spelling Quiz