#twitterchat: ‘Teaching Like Your Hair’s On Fire’

by TeachThought Staff On April 15th, 2015, Beth Leidolf led the weekly #reflectiveteacher twitter chat, where they discussed, among other things, Rafe […]

50 Important Education Twitter Hashtags--With Meeting Times!

by TeachThought Staff

On April 15th, 2015, Beth Leidolf led the weekly #reflectiveteacher twitter chat, where they discussed, among other things, Rafe Esquith;s ‘Teaching Like Your Hair’s On Fire.’ One of our favorite exchanges?

@paullawleyjones: A4/1: Korean edu tells Ss that they must always have the ‘right’ answer. Wrong answers are unacceptable. #reflectiveteacher

@bleidolf67 how do you cope with that mindset as a teacher?

@paullawleyjones: A4/2: I break down this mindset by sometimes deliberately screwing up and then laughing about it with Ss.

You can catch this (still relatively new and growing) chat each Wednesday at 7 PM Eastern US time. This week’s chat has been embedded below if you missed it and want to give it a read, a skim, or let it conjure deep regret for having missed it to begin with.

#twitterchat: ‘Teaching Like Your Hair’s On Fire’; #twitterchat: ‘Teaching Like Your Hair’s On Fire’

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