12 Principles Of Collaboration In Learning

Key principles of collaboration in learning include balancing individual & group benefit, thinking strategy before tech, & always evolving.

12 Principles Of Collaboration In Learning

12 Principles Of Collaboration In Learning

Recently on westXdesign–via scoopit–we found an interesting graphic about naming 12 principles of collaboration.

Collaboration is among the most-often promoted fluencies of 21st century learning (along with creativity and communication). However, there are very few frameworks or models that exist to support the development of better collaboration forms. As it is, in many K-12 learning environments, collaboration is limited to teacher-created grouping, or more scattered project-based learning groups that converge on a single project and thus a single goal.

The following principles of collaboration (seemingly created for businesses but clearly applicable to learning) push that idea a bit further–with some important emphases on the individual, including:

1. Individual benefit is just as important as the overall (group) benefit

2. Think strategy before technology

4. Learn to get out of the way

5. Lead by example

6. Integrate into the flow of work

7. Create a supportive environment

8. Measure what matters

9. Persistence

10. Adapt and evolve

11. Employee collaboration also benefits the customer

12. Collaboration can make the world a better place


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