9 Steps To Scaffold Learning For Improved Understanding

9 Steps To Scaffold Learning For Improved Understanding by TeachThought Staff Scaffolding is a critical teaching strategy that can support […]

Scaffolding strategies fi

scaffolding-strategies-fi9 Steps To Scaffold Learning For Improved Understanding

by TeachThought Staff

Scaffolding is a critical teaching strategy that can support students struggling with a concept, or those that have mastered it. In short, to “scaffold” something is a metaphor that describes the process of supporting students so that they can achieve learning goals in lieu of content deficiencies. Or, in short, helping students succeed.

Every student needs a different kind of support, often failing to prove what they know for different reasons–wait time, confidence, reading levels, and so on. The following infographic via Mia MacMeekin offers up nine steps that, when followed, represent a scaffolding strategy that can work across grade levels and content areas.

It combines independent thinking, visual representation, and collaboration that, while possibly a bit long, represent a versatile approach to scaffolding instruction for students.

1. Ask a question

2. Present a mystery to solve

3. Ask students to draw what they know

4. Give enough time to research

5. Ask students to draw the mystery and solution

6. Ask students to share their drawing with other students

7. Ask students to combine ideas in one drawing

8. Probe students with what-if questions

9. Return to step #4 as necessary


9 Steps To Scaffold Learning For Improved Understanding; image attribution flickr user miamacmeekin



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