A Simplified Bloom’s Taxonomy Poster For Students

Bloom's taxonomy--and others like Webb's Depth of Knowledge --are powerful frameworks for planning curriculum, assessment, and instruction.

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A Simplified Bloom’s Taxonomy Poster For Students

by TeachThought Staff

Bloom’s taxonomy–and its cousins like Webb’s Depth of Knowledge content–are powerful frameworks for the planning of curriculum, assessment, and instruction.

At TeachThought, we’ve curated these in the past: 14 unique Bloom’s Taxonomy posters here, and even reviewed some alternatives to Bloom’s taxonomy as well.

So it’s no surprise that we found the following Bloom’s taxonomy poster interesting. It features a simple grid column layout with easy-to-understand language, vivid colors, and even traditional Bloom’s power verbs for each category.

Nice, simply, and functional. We’d love to provide a higher-res version of the graphic to everyone, but for that you’ll have to visit the TpT store of Hello Literacy.

A Simplified Bloom’s Taxonomy Poster For Students


A Simplified Bloom’s Taxonomy Poster For Students

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