With Digital Learning, Does Context Trump Content?

The title of the presentation is also compelling, underscoring the need for knowledge placement in lieu of knowledge-in-a-vacuum.

fire hydrant

Does Context Trump Content In Digital Learning?

Steve Wheeler of Plymouth University put together the following presentation on Digital Pedagogies, essentially arguing for a new approach to learning in the face of the information age.

Especially interesting is his distinction between Knowledge, Wisdom, and Transformation as a kind of hierarchy, and between Knowledge and Literacy.

The title of the presentation is also compelling, underscoring the need for knowledge placement in lieu of knowledge-in-a-vacuum.

The quote from Dave Truss adds a layer of social rhetoric that helps frame the presentation nicely.

“The goal of education is to enrich the lives of students while producing articulate, expressive thinkers and lifelong learners, who are socially responsible, resilient, and active citizens of the world. Education is about teaching students, not subjects. It is about engaging students in their learning, and maximizing the potential of each and every child. Education is about looking beyond the child’s intellect, and seeing the whole child. Education is about providing students with opportunities to be challenged and still succeed.”

Founder & Director of TeachThought