The Daily Routine Of Creativity

In general, the routine for creativity is simple. The most creative go to bed early, and do their creative work earlier in the day.

Habits of creative people


The Daily Routine Of Creativity

by TeachThought Staff

What sort of habits lead to creativity? Well, we first have to imagine these kinds of habits as causal–that is, the habits cause the creativity, rather than the reverse. If we can do that, there may be some useful takeaways for teachers.

Podio recently put together an interesting graphic that has some relevance for educators (if we can see teaching as a creative process). One general takeaway? The most creative go to bed early, and do their most creative work earlier in the day. In general, the routine for creativity–at least in its most general terms–is simple:

1. Get plenty of rest

2. Create whatever it is that you create

3. Exercise

4. Go to bed.

You can see the full results–and where the data came from–below.

“The brain functions differently at various times of day. Studies show that early risers tend to be good at making plans, while those that work into the night enjoy more divergent thinking. Resting the mind helps generate novel ideas. At least 12 hours away from work is recommended, preferably involving some sleep. Naps can also boost the mind’s ability to solve creative problems.

Disclaimer: The above info doesn’t characterize the entire life of each person but a specific period of time as recorded in diaries, letters and other documentation.

Sources: Daily Rituals: How Artists Work by Mason Currey, Daily Routines blog and other academic studies.”

The Daily Routine Of Creativity

Want to develop a better work routine? Discover how some of the world’s greatest minds organized their days; click image to see the interactive version (via Podio); The Daily Routine Of Creativity

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