Moving To Entrepreneurial Learning [A Video]

Here, Jeff Brazil discusses entrepreneurial learning, making more concrete the abstraction that has been called "informal learning."

Moving To Entrepreneurial Learning [A Video]

How To Move To Entrepreneurial Learning

Outside of a handful of textbook conglomerates, entrepreneurship was not a concept connected to education until recently.

In late 2012, start-ups are populating the educational landscape, and changing its tone completely. These start-ups, who often begin as a single platform, are altering the way people think about learning, and helpfully disrupting existing power sets in education in the process.

In the video below, Jeff Brazil from the Digital Media and Learning discusses entrepreneurial learning, making more concrete the abstraction that has in the past been called, among other labels, “informal learning.”

“How do you constantly look around you, all the time, for new ways, new resources, to learn new things? That’s the sense of entrepreneurship I’m talking about, that now in the networked age, gives us almost infinite possibility.

“As we move into the 21st century, we have to completely rethink the works-cape and the learning-scape. We have to find ways for each of us to get more talented by working. Just getting being able to learn as individuals not enough. The question is, how do we start to scale these types of learning systems…and invent new types of institutional forms, new types of practices, and new types of skills to be able to leverage the capability of technology. The technology is the easy part. The hard part is what are the social practices around this, and also the institutional structures. We have to ask ourselves, what will the institutions of schools and universities…look like five and ten years from now.

“You can now expect the half life of a skill…to have about five years. We are moving from a 20th century notion of looking at how do you pick up a set of fixed assets that are authoritative and transferred to you in delivery models often called schooling that have wonderful scaleable efficiency because we can talk to a hundred people or a hundred thousand people simultaneously–how do we move from that transfer model, to the model of (participation)?”

Founder & Director of TeachThought