Peace Posters: A Collection Of Visuals Designed by Students

 Peace Posters: A Collection Of Visuals Designed by Students by TeachThought Staff The modern internet–memes, gif animations, and infographics for […]

Peace fi

peace-fi Peace Posters: A Collection Of Visuals Designed by Students

by TeachThought Staff

The modern internet–memes, gif animations, and infographics for days, but of cats. What about peace? That’s (something in the universe of) what an educator thought for herself recently when she reflected on the power of the visual world wide web while lamenting the whimsy.

Teacher Doris Molero explains–and asks for some feedback for the students, so we thought we’d help them get noticed. Check out them out, and vote for your favorite.

“This was the final project for my English for Work students of the May- July 2014 Class. They designed a poster or an unfographic to promote peace. The posters were posted in their scoops and also in different social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and also in the virtual world of Second Life. Please. Leave them a comment. Here you can see their work on their Facebook page.

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Peace Posters: A Collection Of Visuals That Promote Togetherness; Peace Posters: A Collection Of Visuals Designed by Students

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