What Are The Stages Of A Self-Directed Learning Model?
by TeachThought Staff
Self-Directed Learning is not new–but is perhaps misunderstood.
In the linked post above, Terry Heick wondered about the relationship between self-directed learning and the purpose of education:
The goal of the model isn’t content knowledge (though it should produce that), but rather something closer to wisdom–learning how to learn, understanding what’s worth understanding, and perhaps most importantly, analyzing the purpose of learning (e.g., personal and social change). It also encourages the student to examine the relationship between study and work–an authentic ‘need to know’ with important abstractions like citizenship and legacy.
See also A Self-Directed Learning Model For 21st Century Learners
Studied in terms of adult education and vocation for years, self-directed learning is increasing in popularity for a variety of reasons, including growing dissatisfaction with public schooling, and the rich formal and informal learning materials available online. This is the ‘age of information’ after all.
Self-directed learning is one response, something Slideshare user Barbara Stokes captures in this chart, based on the model by Gerald Grow. The four stages–very similar to the gradual release of responsibility model–appear below.

The Four Stages Of The Self-Directed Learning Model
Learner Teacher
Stage 1 Dependent Authority, Coach
Examples: Coaching with immediate feedback. Drill. Informational lecture. Overcoming deficiencies and resistance.
Stage 2: Interested Motivator, Guide
Examples: Inspiring lecture plus guided discussion. Goal-setting and learning strategies.
Stage 3: Involved Facilitator
Examples: Discussion faciliated by the teacher who participates as equal. Seminar. Group projects.
Stage 4: Self-Directed Consultant, Delegator
Examples: Internship, dissertation, individual work or self-directed study group.
Theories of Teaching and Learning: The Staged Self-Directed Learning Model, G.Grow. from Barbara Stokes; Four Stages Of A Self-Directed Learning Model