Introducing Teacher Cards: Whom Vs Who

Introducing TeachThought Teacher Cards: Whom Vs Who Edit: We had the definitions at the bottom of the car wrong on […]

Who vs whom teacher cards


Introducing TeachThought Teacher Cards: Whom Vs Who

Edit: We had the definitions at the bottom of the car wrong on the first one. The above version should be correct!

In 2014, we’re going to continue to experiment with new content forms to bring you the right content at the right time for your classroom.

One of these ideas is “social cards.” Social cards are quick visual references that clarify the kind of stuff you’re looking for in brief, easy to access forms.

They are designed to be easily shared, pinned, or otherwise curated for quick reference later. Note that this isn’t thought leadership kind of stuff, but bite-size nuggets of information, strategies, and other resources to supplement TeachThought’s traditional, more in-depth content. In some cases, it may extract key points from those more substantive pieces so you can decide if that content is worth a closer look.

What we do isn’t going to change, and the critical content you expect from TeachThought isn’t going anywhere. Social cards will only supplement everything we’ve been doing, and will continue to do in 2014.

If you’ve got any specific things you’d like to see covered–anything from technology to grammar, assessment to critical thinking, pedagogy to learning trends, let us know in the comments section, or via our social media channels!

Whom Vs Who

As for the symbolic image above, it says it all really. “Who” is by far the most common word to use, but when the antecedent is a subject, you use “Whom.”

A quick tip from Grammar Girl:

“Like “whom,” the pronoun “him” ends with “m.” When you’re trying to decide whether to use “who” or “whom,” ask yourself if the answer to the question would be “he” or “him.”

That’s the trick: if you can answer the question being asked with “him,” then use “whom,” and it’s easy to remember because they both end with “m.” For example, if you’re trying to ask, “Who (or whom) do you love?” The answer would be “I love him.” “Him” ends with an “m,” so you know to use “whom.”

Introducing TeachThought Social Cards: Whom Vs Who

TeachThought’s mission is to promote critical thinking and innovation education.