14 Lesson Plans For Teaching Financial Literacy

Whath Are The Best Lesson Plans For Teaching Financial Literacy? by TeachThought Staff 1. Ruth Gale-Paredez: “What education do you need […]

ideas to teach financial literacy
14 Lesson Plans For Teaching Financial Literacy

Whath Are The Best Lesson Plans For Teaching Financial Literacy?

by TeachThought Staff

1. Ruth Gale-Paredez: “What education do you need to live comfortably?”
Fifth-grade students figure out how much it costs to live for a family of four. The survey is taken for all expenses including taxes and insurance and an amount of income is calculated. Then a career is chosen to meet their needs and wants.

Ed note: Note, we’ve noticed that almost all of the links from this 2013 post are now broken. We will update it ASAP with current links.

14 Lesson Plans For Teaching Financial Literacy

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