25 Teacher-Created, Free Lesson Plans For K-12

25 Teacher-Created, Free Lesson Plans For K-12 by Natalie Dean, Share My Lesson Share My Lesson is a digital platform where educators […]

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tulane-public-relations-teacher25 Teacher-Created, Free Lesson Plans For K-12

by Natalie DeanShare My Lesson

Share My Lesson is a digital platform where educators can collaborate and share learning resources such as lesson plans, classroom strategies and innovative ideas, at no cost. The site has more than 425,000 free resources with 30,000 aligned to the Common Core State Standards, making Share My Lesson the country’s fastest-growing resource sharing site for educators.

Share My Lesson features K-12 learning materials, including activities, worksheets and lesson plans. The online portal has a search system that categorizes resources by grade level, subject, event, and resource type. It also includes offerings from hundreds of content partners, including Teaching Channel, the Harlem Jazz Museum, Green TV and the Encyclopedia Britannica.

As educators return to their classrooms after the holiday break, Share My Lesson has compiled a list of top teaching resources for them to use with their students.

Early Elementary (Grades K-2)

1. Cinderella around the World Unit

In this first grade unit, students compare and contrast multiple versions of Cinderella by different authors and from different cultures.

2. Positions: Where does it go?

This kindergarten math lesson helps students learn position words, such as “above”, “below”, “beside” and “in front of.”

3. What do Great Readers Do?

In this lesson, students practice close reading techniques and strategic behaviors that help them read for meaning.

4. Nocturnal Animals

Help your students learn all about different types of nocturnal animals with this PowerPoint presentation.

5. Learning Numbers 11-19

Students will work with ten frames to extend their understanding of numbers to include numbers 11-19.

Late Elementary (Grades 3-5)

6. What is Close Reading?

Students will read through a grade level complex text to determine its meaning and identify difficult vocabulary words.

7. Murder Mystery Math Game

Eliminate the suspects and find out who committed the crime.

8. Science of Snow

Use this video and lesson to teach your students how snow is formed.

9. Fun with Fractions

Review the basics of fractions with this easy-to-use PowerPoint presentation.

10. Guided Reading Task Cards

Use these prompts to get your students thinking about the books they have read.

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

11. Reading Closely

Develop students’ abilities to read closely for textual details and compare authors’ perspectives through an examination of a series of texts.

12. Introduction to Ratios

In this comprehensive lesson, students learn about ratios using real world examples.

13. Non-fiction: Finding information and understanding how it is presented

In this lesson, students learn how to select and present information from a text in a relevant way.

14. Literacy Across the Core Curriculum

These lesson plans and handouts designed to increase literacy, comprehension and other language related skills across the core curriculum.

15. Respecting the Freedom of Speech

Students review the First Amendment and decide if actions in five different scenarios are protected under than amendment.

High School (Grades 9-12)

16. Trigonometry in Flight

In this lesson plan, students will apply the Law of Sines and Cosines to solve real-world problems.

17. Quadratic Functions

Teach your students how to analyze quadratic and linear functions in with this resource.

18. Forms of Government

Students assume the roles as the heads of different governments in this activity.

19. Catcher in the Rye

Teach your students about this influential text with this creative video.

20. Trigonometry

Help your students learn about trigonometry using this fun scenario.

Special Populations (English Language Learners, Students with Disabilities, Gifted & Talented)

21. The Iron Man

These activities are designed to enable students with special needs to access this classic text.

22. The Story of an Hour

Use these resources to help teach this classic text to English Language Learners.

23. Language and the Common Core State Standards

Help ELLs pay attention to idioms and context clues with this activity.

24. Author’s Purpose

Use this handout to help students identify the author’s purpose.

25. Individualized Education Plan Meeting Tips

This resource helps prepare Special Education teachers as they conduct IEP meetings.

Image attribution flickr user tulanepublicrelations; 25 Teacher-Created, Free Lesson Plans For K-12

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