A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math

The best resources for teachers supporting students who think they hate math may not get better than Numberphile .

A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math
A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math

A Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math

by TeachThought Staff

The best resource for a student that thinks they hate math is a great teacher.

But what about the best resource for that teacher? Beyond an active imagination, ability to relate to students, and an incredibly strong content knowledge themselves, it may not get much better than Numberphile .

While the site is simple a crudely interactive graphic with links to videos, it has, in one fell swoop, creatively curated some of the most compelling and engaging “problems” in mathematics. From Benford’s Law to French Numbers, to whether or not zero is an even number, it frames the content area of math–which is often riddled with the rote practice of very traditional arithmetic and formulas–in a problem-based learning kind of approach.

A fantastic resource for bell ringers, test questions, math project-based learning ideas, or as a model for students to curate their own curiosities about the incredible–and poorly marketed–world of mathematics.

It’s also, incidentally, a YouTube channel as well, from which we’ve taken a sample video below.

A Really, Really Cool Website For Students Who Think They Hate Math

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