12 Tips & 28 Ideas For Pinterest For Teachers

Using pinterest for a goal beyond repinning takes know-how, which is why Kimberly Tyson created this cheat sheet for teachers.

12 Tips & 28 Ideas For Pinterest For Teachers

The Best Tips & Ideas For Teachers On Pinterest

Pinterest is a wonderful tool–highly visual, as brief or in-depth as you’d like, and easy to use.

But using it for a specific goal beyond simple repinning takes a little know-how, which is why Kimberly Tyson of learningunlimitedllc created this cheat sheet for teachers.

12 Tips & 28 Ideas For Pinterest For Teachers. Read. Skim. Share. Rejoice.

12 Tips & 28 Ideas For Pinterest For Teachers

Cheat Sheet by Kimberly Tyson, learningunlimitedllc;12 Tips & 28 Ideas For Pinterest For Teachers

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