10 Student Learning Objectives For The Teacher Not So Sure About This Hour Of Code Thing

10 Sample Student Learning Objectives For The Teacher That’s Not So Sure About This Hour Of Code Thing by TeachThought […]

Student learning objectives hourofcode


10 Sample Student Learning Objectives For The Teacher That’s Not So Sure About This Hour Of Code Thing

by TeachThought Staff

You keep hearing about this hour of code thing, but you’re not a “hacker,” and aren’t real comfortable with teaching what you don’t know. Especially when it relates to technology and its fundamental programming.

You know this is some kind of “coding week.” You’ve seen our tips for integrating coding into the classroom. Now what to do? Turn students loose with Scratch or Codea or Kahn Academy? Well, maybe. Self-Directed Learning is a core learning fluency in an age of access.

But if you need something a bit more specific–lessons plans and walkthroughs and all–below we’ve

10 Sample Student Learning Objectives For The Teacher That’s Not So Sure About This Hour Of Code Thing

1. Students will define “coding” as both a noun and verb, and explain–as crudely or precisely as they are able–how code works.

2. Students will compare and contrast code to poetry and cooking recipes.

3. Students will identify the pros and cons of self-directed learning as it relates to learning code.

4. Students will identify three unique resources for teaching themselves to code.

5. Students will locate and explain two different coding communities, and how they can help that student learn coding.

6. Students will identify three coding apps that work for them, and explain why that app works for them better than another. See here, for example.

7. Students will identify and define three html tags, and explain what each does.

8. Students will create three two-dimensional figures, and 1 three-dimensional figure.

9. Students will name 3 “basic coding” projects, and 3 “master coding” projects, and give examples of each. (Think shapes, bouncing balls, and basic web pages, vs multimedia pages, apps, and video games, etc.)

10. Students will analyze a simple web page for its fundamental structure.

10 Sample Student Learning Objectives For The Teacher Not So Sure About This Hour Of Code Thing

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