27 Ways To Increase Student Engagement In Learning

How To Increase Student Engagement In Learning

by TeachThought Staff

Student engagement in learning is kind of important.

No matter the best practices of your curriculum mapping, instructional strategies, use of data for learning, formative assessment, or expert use of project-based learning, mobile learning, and a flipped classroom, if students aren’t engaged, not much else that happens matters.

Historically, student engagement has been thought of in terms of students ‘paying attention’: raising hands, making eye contact, and maybe asking questions. Of course, we know now that learning can benefit from learner self-direction and self-initiated application of learning as a type of learning transfer of thinking as much as it does simple ‘engagement’ and participation.

That being said, increasing engagement and sheer participation is not a wrong-headed pursuit in and of itself, and in pursuit of that is the following infographic from Mia MacMeekin: 27 ways to increase student engagement.

27 Ways To Increase Student Engagement In Learning

27 Ways To Increase Student Engagement In Learning

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