What You Owe Your Students

From removing barriers to learning, to creating an environment where it's safe to take risks here's what you owe to your students.

what you owe to your students

What Do Teachers Owe To Their Students?

What a teacher “owes” a student is an interesting concept that could be as abstract (your best effort) or concrete (hand back work within 48 hours) as you’d like. We chose somewhere in between, and put together the following infographic as a sort of follow-up to “10 Secrets to Surviving as a Teacher.”

Anything we missed, take to the comments and let us know!

What You Owe Your Students

  1. To model genuine curiosity
  2. To create an environment where it’s safe to take risks and fail
  3. To use emotion to reach students
  4. To suggest sequence without putting learning “on rails”
  5. To show updated expertise in your content area
  6. To not stand between learner and content
  7. To have a short memory
  8. To make characteristics of quality (for a given product or performance) accessible
  9. To clarify a ZPD and use it to help keep both student and teacher sane
  10. To use as many assessment forms as necessary to uncover understanding
  11. To help students believe that they can do what they don’t think they can
  12. To prioritize unfamiliar content
  13. To show what’s possible
  14. To remove barriers to learning
what you owe to your students

Founder & Director of TeachThought