Video: Why Do Teachers Quit More Than Other Professionals?

YouTube video

Why Do Teachers Quit More Than Other Professionals?

by TeachThought Staff

Why do good teachers quit?

In 2013, we shared a post by a teacher that explored that question, and nearly 4 years and 23,000 shares later, the issue still resonates. Two years later, we shared a post whose titles allows the struggle of being a teacher while championing its upside in, Why Teaching Is Still The Best Job In The World.

Recently we noticed a ‘The Young Turks’ video on YouTube that took a slightly different approach, with a three-person quick/7-minute panel discussion on why it might be that teachers quit jobs more than ‘most professions.”

“Richard Ingersoll taught high-school social studies and algebra in both public and private schools for nearly six years before leaving the profession and getting a Ph.D. in sociology. Now a professor in the University of Pennsylvania’s education school, he’s spent his career in higher ed searching for answers to one of teaching’s most significant problems: teacher turnover.”

There’s not a lot of new ground covered in the video, but it’s a fairly even-handed, teacher-friendly look at what’s going on with teacher turnover in public education in the United States.

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