Using Project-Based Learning To Flip Bloom’s Taxonomy For Deeper Learning

A central feature of high quality PBL is the pedagogical relationship between the Driving Question and the “Need to Knows” that stem from it.

flipping Bloom's taxonomy with PBL for deeper learning
Using Project-Based Learning To Flip Bloom’s Taxonomy For Deeper Learning

Using Project-Based Learning To Flip Bloom’s Taxonomy For Deeper Learning

contributed by Drew Perkins

One of the central features of high-quality project-based learning is the pedagogical relationship between the Driving Question and the “Need to Knows” that stem from it. In the video below I use the Explain Everything app to show how teachers and schools, using a process of rich inquiry, can leverage great thinking and learning by flipping how you approach the concepts behind Bloom’s Taxonomy.

Instead of starting at the bottom and focusing on the teaching and learning of content prior to moving up, consider flipping that approach by starting at the top and asking students to create an authentic product with a strong Driving Question. Doing this can help the teacher facilitate deeper learning of the content and skills we find at the lower level as students identify and pursue what they need to know, remember, and understand to create and meet the challenge of the project.

YouTube video

Using Project-Based Learning To Flip Bloom’s Taxonomy For Deeper Learning

Formerly with the Buck Institute for Education and the Collaborative for Teaching and Learning after 15 years of classroom teaching. Passionate about the leading of learning through inquiry, I have been called a professional thought stretcher due to my love for questioning.