An EdTech Primer: Technology Use, Benefits, And Online Safety Tips

An EdTech Primer: Technology Use, Benefits, And Online Safety Tips

An EdTech Primer: Technology Use, Benefits, And Online Safety Tips contributed by Amy Williams Today, many parents can pinpoint one significant difference between their child’s education and our own–technology. Granted, we overhear complaints about Common Core or standardized tests, but the major difference is the influx of technology in education–the internet, computers, apps, and social…

Making the Shift To Visual Teaching

Making the Shift To Visual Teaching

Shifting To Visual Teaching by Timothy Gangwer Ed note: This post is a preface to Timothy’s session at the International Conference of Creativity, Thinking & Education, April 18-20, 2015 at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota During a rehearsal of Debussy’s La Mer, Maestro Arturo Toscanini found himself unable to describe to the orchestra the effect he…

What Is A Learning Simulation?

Learning Simulations: An Overview This post has been updated from a 2012 post. Clark Aldrich is an enthusiastic advocate for new learning forms, and leading thinker on the power of learning simulations and author of Learning Online with Games, Simulations, and Virtual Worlds and Unschooling Rules: 55 Ways to Unlearn What We Know About Schools and Rediscover Education.   (These…

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