Reflective Teaching: A 30-Day Blogging Challenge For Teachers

Reflective Teaching: A 30-Day Blogging Challenge For Teachers

Reflective Teaching Questions: A 30-Day Blogging Challenge For Teachers by TeachThought Staff We’ve talked about “reflective teaching” before, and shared ways to be a more reflective teacher as well. Well, through the work of Beth Leidolf and Justine Hughes, September is Reflective Teacher month at TeachThought. Beth and Justine have created a blogging challenge for…

Transforming Education Starts In Your Classroom

Want To Transform Education? Start In Your Classroom. by Terry Heick If it’s a standards-based, outcomes-based, institutionally-centered (and nationally participative) game we want, you’d be hard-pressed to find a better combination than Understanding by Design units (i.e., Wiggins) anchored around power standards (e.g., Strong, Silver, Perini, Dufour) that are then delivered through differentiated instruction (i.e.,…

The Best Kind Of Summer Slide: A Summer Bucket List

The Best Kind Of Summer Slide: A Summer Bucket List contributed by Corrine Jacob, alternatetutelage Our family has all but forgotten the ghost of winter past. We are now basking in the glow of this glorious, glorious summer weather. If you’re a homeschooler like me, your mind is currently occupied with scheduling activities so that the…

Helping Parents Trust Your School

What Are The Best Resources For Building Parental Engagement? contributed by Alison Anderson, Parent engagement has always been a very bright spot on my radar when thinking about keys to success for schools. Lately, it feels important to distinguish between parent engagement and parent involvement. Both are important and something every school should strive…

20 Smart Educators With 1000 Followers Or Less

Who To Follow On Twitter: 20 Smart Educators With 1000 Followers Or Less Normally “who to follow on twitter” posts are full of obvious, preaching to the choir, rich-get-richer accounts–a who’s who of edu-twitter users you probably already follow anyway. In response, we decided to create a different kind of list–people worth following with fewer…

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