Designing Learning Environments Around A Need To Know

We love Digital Media and Learning. Among other virtues, their attention to the macro level ideas in learning and education set them apart from many education resources available. The video above explores the fundamental design of our system of education, from its goals to its processes and “leaks.” It also addresses the very important question…

50 Things To Do On The iPad

While the iPad is not the savior for learning–or even mobile learning for that matter, if you use one for five minutes it’s easy to see that it is an amazing piece of hardware. We’ve talked about how to use them in a PBL environment. And how to record ideas with them. And even separated ideas for…

60 Apps For Mobile, 21st Century Learning

60 Apps For Mobile, 21st Century Learning  Clint Stephens, a Regional Technology Integration Specialist, put together this meticulously and creatively arranged presentation on 21st Century mobile learning apps, and arranged them via four categories: 1. Productivity 2. Core 3. General Education 4. Fun Included are classics like Evernote, Pages, and Dropbox, and apps that might…

12 Data Points Detailing The Crisis Of Poor Writing In America

Ask just about any teacher if kids today are struggling with writing and you’ll get a resounding “yes.” While curmudgeonly complaints about “kids today” have always existed, even in relation to writing, there are numerous indications that today’s writing crisis is much more than generational criticism. Research shows that students, from grade school to college,…

What Are The Ingredients For Self-Directed Learning?

New Marlborough, Mass What are the ingredients for self-directed learning? Technology? “Grade-level” reading? Peer-to-peer collaboration? Project-Based Learning? A Montessori approach? What if it was simpler? What if it was just a matter of getting out of the students way? I’ve always found this a fascinating concept. As a classroom teacher, one (of many) important epiphanies…

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