An EdTech Primer: Technology Use, Benefits, And Online Safety Tips

An EdTech Primer: Technology Use, Benefits, And Online Safety Tips

An EdTech Primer: Technology Use, Benefits, And Online Safety Tips contributed by Amy Williams Today, many parents can pinpoint one significant difference between their child’s education and our own–technology. Granted, we overhear complaints about Common Core or standardized tests, but the major difference is the influx of technology in education–the internet, computers, apps, and social…

Even The Medical Industry Is Rethinking Assessment

Assessment In Medicine: Even The Medical Industry Is Rethinking Assessment by TeachThought Staff via press release When health care providers take patients’ perspectives into consideration, patients are more likely to be actively engaged in their treatment and more satisfied with their care. This is called patient-centered care, and it has been the central focus of…

9 Tips For Smarter Teaching With YouTube

9 Tips For Smarter Teaching With YouTube

Teaching With Video: 9 Tips For Teaching With YouTube contributed by Marlon Gallano Let’s face it, times have changed. The way we learned in school by sitting at a desk with a book, notebook and pencil are no longer the norm. Textbooks and notebooks are being replaced with tablets. The pencil is being replaced by the stylus. Touchscreen…

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