Apps To Turn Your Students Into Makers

These Apps Can Help Turn Your Students Into Makers The Maker Movement is one of creativity and invention. Of Do-It-Yourself ingenuity. Of making things with your own hands. Building something from scratch can shift a lesson from a lecture into an experience. Students can play, diverge, tinker, make mistakes, help each other, and express themselves…

4 Pillars & 11 Indicators Of Flipped Learning

4 Pillars & 11 Indicators Of Flipped Learning

4 Pillars & 12 Standards Of Flipped Learning by Kari M. Arfstrom, Executive Director of the Flipped Learning Network Flipped Learning Defined 10 Common Misconceptions About The Flipped Classroom, by Kelly Walsh, offered some insight. As did Mike Acedo in his article titled 10 Pros And Cons Of A Flipped Classroom.  The Definition Of The…

What Teachers Hear When You Say ‘Accountability’

What Teachers Hear When You Say ‘Accountability’ by Marc Tucker, @CtrEdEcon After 10 years of federal education policies based on test-based accountability, there has been no perceptible improvement in student performance among high school students (which, when you get right down to it, is what really matters) as a whole, or when the data are broken…

3 Simple Strategies For More Rigorous Instruction

3 Simple Strategies For More Rigorous Instruction by Barbara Blackburn, author of Rigor is not a 4-Letter Word In this posting, we’ll look at options to increase the depth of your instruction. What you’ll notice throughout the activities is a shift to student ownership of learning, as well as the need to think at higher levels to…

10 Common Misconceptions About The Flipped Classroom

What Are The Most Common Misconceptions About The Flipped Classroom? by Kelly Walsh, What have you heard about the flipped classroom? That it’s just the latest education fad? That it only works for certain academic subjects? It’s not uncommon to come across references in the web media to poorly informed and misconstrued ideas like…

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