best youtube channels for learning english

11 Of The Best YouTube Channels For Learning English

What Are The Best YouTube Channels For Learning English? by Andrea Giordano It’s no secret that YouTube is an English language learner’s best friend. Because ESL/ELL teachers have been willing to turn the cameras on themselves, you can find thousands of lessons to help improve your English. However, sometimes it’s difficult to know where the true gold is among…

Hackschooling Makes Me Happy: A 13 Year-Old’s Uncommon Wisdom

Hackschooling Makes Me Happy: A 13 Year-Old’s Uncommon Wisdom

A 13 Year-Old’s Uncommon Wisdom Disruptive thinking is a useful thing. It encourages difficult questions, conversations, and rethinking of trends and directions. It isn’t always a comfortable thing, usually occurring when other strategies for change have failed. Computer hackers–the principled, noble hackers with specific goals and a moral code anyway–take the same approach, in the…

A Primer On Using Games To Teach

A Primer On Using Games To Teach by Rosa Fattahi, WizIQ A key element to ensuring any successful pedagogy is student engagement. However, keeping students motivated and actively involved can be difficult. Besides the basic challenges of maintaining students’ interest and participation in class, today’s teachers also have to deal with growing numbers of students…

The Best Platform For Student Blogging

The Best Platform For Student Blogging

The Best Platform For Student Blogging by TeachThought Staff Okay, this is subjective, but here’s my thought: When taking a macro view view of how and why students share thinking and information–and considering modern digital media trends, in 2014 the best way for students to blog in and out of the classroom has to be tumblr….

A Teacher’s Guide To Performance Assessment

A Teacher’s Guide To Performance Assessment by Tom Vander Ark first appeared on A Teacher’s Guide To Performance Assessment by Tom Vander Ark In the narrowest sense, according to ETS, performance assessment is “A test in which the test taker actually demonstrates the skills the test is intended to measure by doing real-world tasks that require those skills,…

5 Resolutions To Modernize Your Teaching For 2014

5 Resolutions To Modernize Your Teaching For 2014

5 Resolutions To Modernize Your Teaching In 2014 by Jennifer Rita Nichols, Teacher When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, we all hear about the typical weight/health/finance related promises we make to ourselves – but why not use this yearly changeover to make some classroom promises instead? We can all use some new goals, and…

How To Make An Educational App: What I Learned

How To Make An Educational App: What I Learned by Shaunie Shammass, I would like to tell you about our journey of innovation, creativity and implementation in creating a self-help teaching mobile tool for the speaking skill. I would like you to follow our thoughts and decisions as mobile app developers and see what the…

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