How 7 Education Technology Platforms Have Changed How We Learn

How 7 Education Technology Platforms Have Changed How We Learn

Education technology has changed what’s possible in learning. No longer are students confined to desks, textbooks, or even classrooms or schools. Today, a student has at least the potential for access to apps, an incredible catalogue of videos, podcasts, learning simulations, digital communities and so much more, all through a simple internet connection. The following…

Studying On Mobile Device More Likely To Track Progress

2 Fundamental Ways Technology Improves Learning

How Does Technology Improve Learning? This is a contributed post by Jenna Smith It doesn’t matter what you want to learn, whether it’s how to play the piano, solve advanced calculus problems, or cook gourmet French food, technology can help you do it. A simple example of this is biologcal dissection. Twenty years ago, all…

Education 2020: A Vision Of Learning Decentralized & Free

Education 2020: A Vision Of Learning Decentralized & Free

I wrote (theorized? hypothesized? guessed?) the incredible ways technology will change education by the year 2028. It was based on current trends in education (e.g., eLearning and blended learning), society (e.g., economic downturns and population growth), and technology (faster, smaller, more connected everything). The following video from has a similar goal of predicting the future of education…

10 Of The Best Free Curriculum Resources For Teachers

10 Of The Best Free Curriculum Resources For Teachers

Although most teachers are given loose parameters for their curriculum, including certain areas that must be mastered in time for testing, there is some leeway within these criteria for educators to create their own, unique lesson plans. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to come up with creative lessons and activities that are both fun and…

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