20 Bring-Your-Own-Technology Resources By Category

More schools and employers are permitting and even encouraging students and employees to bring their own technology resources to work.

20 BYOT Resources By Category

by TeachThought Staff

Whether you call it BYOT or BYOD (technology vs device), it’s clear that as people become more attached to their mobile devices and as mobile devices become more customized and an extension of their owners, more schools and employers are permitting and even encouraging students and employees to bring their own devices to work.

Devices may include laptops, tablets, smartphones and more. As a result, many educators are scrambling to get a handle on the issues surrounding the “bring your own device” trend. Resources abound on this topic, and some are offered below.

General Overview, Best Practices

Bring Your Own Devices Best Practices Guide: A Practical Guide for Implementing BYOD Programs at Your Organization

This 16-page white paper, provided by Good Technology, offers dozens of questions to consider for organizations considering a BYOD program along with real best practices case studies.

YouTube video, Best Practices for Implementing a Bring Your Own Device Program

This in-depth video is 45 minutes long and presented by Val Hetrick, the director of customer success at MaaS360, an enterprise mobility management company.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy Guidebook: Questions to Ask and Best Practices to Consider

Presented by SAP, this guidebook offers best practice advice for any organization looking to implement a BYOD program.

BYOD Expert: Best Practices in Education

This is a video of a presentation given by Greg Kovich, director of strategic accounts for Alcatel-Lucent, to an audience of teachers, administrators and IT directors. He discusses best practices for initiating BYOD in a school district.


Bring your own device: Agility through consistent delivery

PricewaterhouseCoopers offers this white paper on the importance of security strategy in any BYOD program.

Cisco Bring Your Own Device: Device Freedom Without Compromising the IT Network

This white paper from Cisco discusses the challenges faced by IT departments in BYOD organizations and offers concrete information on how to overcome those challenges.

Case Studies

iPad in Business: Bring your own device.

This information sheet from Apple includes case studies of well known companies along with tips for establishing a policy and optimizing user experience.

Tool Kits, How to Guides, Tips

Bring Your Own Device Toolkit

This comprehensive kit from k12blueprint.com offers downloadable resources including “Getting Started with BYOD,” “Planning and Implementation Framework,” “Mobile Scenarios for K-12,” case studies, a teacher readiness checklist and more.

How to Launch a Successful BYOD Program

Public broadcaster KQED offers resources and steps to implementing a BYOD program in an educational setting.

6 Steps for Increasing Student Access with BYOD

Valuable information from a Minnesota-based school technology integration specialist.

How to make BYOD work for your schools

A comprehensive “how to” from eSchool News.

Bring Your Own Device to School

This discussion paper from Microsoft describes how to get started with a BYOD program from teaching, learning and IT management perspectives.

Blogs, Social Media

The Mobile Learner

This blog focuses on learning and teaching with mobile devices, with commentary on BYOD.

Bring Your Own IT

While this blog focuses on BYOD in business, it offers useful advice that translates easily to an educational environment.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) at Live Binders

The binder authors have compiled this comprehensive “3-ring binder for the web” on BYOD for schools.

Transcript of Feb 2013 Web Chat

This informative chat is sponsored by AT&T and titled “Making BYOD Work in Schools.” It features Todd Yohey, superintendent of schools for the Oak Hills Local School District and Tim Clark, coordinator of instructional technology for Forsyth County Schools in Georgia.

BYOT Network

This blog, by Tim Clark, coordinator of IT for Forsyth County Schools in Georgia, features teacher spotlights, strategies and more.


Going BYOD

This graphic answers questions such as “why go BYOD?” and “Who has gone BYOD?” in an easy-to-follow, interesting format.

School District Guideline Examples

South Western School District

Located in Pennsylvania, this school district offers a comprehensive guide outlining benefits, issues, guidelines, and frequently asked questions regarding BYOD.

Forsyth County Schools of Georgia

This school district offers a BYOD overview along with offering tours to interested visitors to view its nationally recognized BYOT initiative in action.

About the Author: Kristin Marino writes about education and related topics; image attribution flickr user steveagarfield

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