A List Of Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know
contributed by Ryan Schaaf, Notre Dame of Maryland University
When I was a high school student, I had the privilege of having a wonderful English teacher.
She was kind, often helped her students, and created a wonderful classroom environment that was rare in my high school experience. To this day, I regard her as a great educator; one of the very best. Due to her help, I improved my writing abilities to the point I moved ahead to an Honors course the very next year.
As I now reflect upon her and my learning experiences fondly, I had only one criticism – I did the same type of work day in and day out. Although repetition is a tried and true method for learning, performing the same academic exercises over and over again really left a great deal to be desired. I wanted to express myself in new and different ways. After all, variety is the spice of life.
Nowadays, many educators use the same methods over and over again in their lessons for students to express themselves and demonstrate their new knowledge. Today’s students want to express themselves in a variety of different ways. They want their academic work to be relevant, engaging, and fun.
Below is a diverse list adapted from resources found at fortheteachers.org of potential student products or activities learners can use to demonstrate their mastery of lesson content. The list also offers several digital tools for students to consider using in a technology-enriched learning environment.
100 Things Students Can Create To Demonstrate What They Know
1. Audio Recording
2. Advertisement
3. Analogy
4. AnimationAvatar
5. Blog
6. Book Jacket
7. Brochure
8. Bulletin Board
9. Cards (Playing/Task)
10. Caricature
11. Class Book
12. Creative Non-Fiction
13. Collage
14. Comedy Skit
15. Comic Strip
16. Commercial
17. Concept Map
18. Conversation
19. Dance
20. Data/Analytics Visualization
21. Debate
22. Demonstration
23. Diary Entry
24. Digitally-Documented Discussion
25. Diorama
26. Doodle
27. Drawing
28. eBook
29. Essay
30. Experiment
31. Fake Social Media Account
32. Film
33. Freestyle (hip-hop)
34. Flow Chart
35. Game
36. Gif Animation
37. Glossary
38. Google Earth Tour
39. Graph
40. Graphic Organizer
41. Infomercial
42. Interview
43. Kahoot!
44. Learning Log
45. Literature Circle
46. Live Stream
47. Magazine
48. Map
49. Mock-Up/Wireframe
50. Mock Product-Pitch
51. Model
52. Monologue
53. Movie Poster
54. Mural
55. Mash-Up
56. News Report
57. Newsletter/ Newspaper
58. Panel Discussion
59. Photo
60. Prezi
61. Podcast
62. Poem
63. Portfolio
64. Poster
65. Presentation (PowerPoint)
66. Product
67. Puppet Show
68. Reenactment
69. Relevant Visualization
70. Review
71. Role-Play
72. Rules/Framework
73. Scavenger Hunt
74. Scrapbook
75. Sculpture
76. Survey
77. Self-Directed Project
78. Self-Directed Short Video
79. Show & Tell
80. Simulation
81. Slideshow
82. Social Media Branding
83. Socratic Discussion
84. Song
85. Story Map
86. Speech
87. Tag Cloud
88. Team-Building Game
89. Time Capsule
90. Theatrical Play
91. Timeline
92. Tutorial
93. Video game
94. Website
95. Whiteboard Animation
96. Word Splash
97. Word Wall
98. Wiki
99. YouTube Channel