Apps Are Better Than Textbooks. Here Are 10 Examples.
We’ve theorized before that apps are the new textbook.
That was back in 2012, and this hasn’t proven true for a variety of reasons.
Not every classroom has tablets. Textbooks, while stagnant, are chock full of information and content. Further, some apps are pretty bad. Buggy. All flash and very little content. Difficult to integrate into curriculum.
So while apps are seen as new school cool and books as dated, the latter persist, and probably aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
What we’ve tried to do in the following list is provide an evidentiary-based counterpoint to the lingering persistence of the textbook in education. We’ve collected ten apps from across the content areas, from Shakespeare to the Elements, that each serve as compelling argument against textbooks.
Only one of these apps is a game; the rest are examples of how–when properly designed–content can be refracted digitally, with a user-centered touch interface, full multimedia capabilities, while still maintaining a focus on delivering content to students. Or rather, providing access in a way that’s more compelling than any textbook could ever imagine.
Of course, it’s not really that simple. You can’t download three neato-mosquito apps, throw the textbooks in the dumpster, and clap at your 21st century-ness. For something to be “better,” it has to be used better. Fit the ecology.
But if you consider these as examples of what’s possible, you might find them useful.
Apps Are Better Than Textbooks. Here Are 10 Examples.
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Apps Are Better Than Textbooks. Here Are 10 Examples.