22 Of The Best Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom

Here are 22 apps to make videos and other forms of digital media for projects in your classroom and curriculum.

22 Of The Best Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom

What Are The Best Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom?

by TeachThought Staff

In education, perhaps one of the least utilized talents of iOS hardware is creating exceptional video.

While it’s not uncommon for teachers and students to use iPads to create videos, creating stunning videos that are compelling, well-produced, innovative, truly social, and/or something worth sharing with the world isn’t so easy.

Truth be told, that’s less about the technology and more a matter of teaching, learning, and planning–who is creating the video, why are they creating it, and who are they creating it for. Audience, purpose, and design. But just because the technology isn’t the most crucial doesn’t mean students should be forced to work with mediocre tools. Which is where this list comes in.

Below are 22 apps we’ve handpicked as powerful teaching and learning tools to work with digital media in your classroom. Like almost anything, these are more potent in the hands of students than teachers, so start there and work backward–audience and purpose: What’s possible? What needs communicating through video, and who needs to hear/see it?

How can I help students turn these iPads into tools for magnificent creation?

1. Splice   iOS      Android      Windows

Our favorite simple video editor also makes sharing videos after finishing simple.

2. InShot


VivaVideo   iOS      Android      Windows

Create and edit short videos. add stickers, filters, music, and themes for montages.

3. Shot Designer   iOS      Android      Windows

The director can have help from Shot Designer by creating full diagrams while working.

4. iMovie


With iMovie you can create beautiful stories using your favorite videos and images from your library.

5. Gravie   iOS      Android      Windows

Easily create videos with text and special effects. Record your own videos or pick from templates.

6. Adobe Premiere Rush for Video  iOS      Android      Windows

Create custom videos that are easy to share with photos, voice-overs, or your favorite music. Special effects are available to make your video have a personality.

7. McLaren’s Workshop   iOS      Android      Windows

McLaren’s helps you animate your own video with paper cutouts to bring your imagination to life.



8. Green Screener   iOS      Android      Windows

Learn how to light and set up your green screen easily with Green Screener.

9. Spark Camera   iOS      Android      Windows

Spark Camera makes it easier than ever to capture a weekend, a vacation, or anything that makes your life light up.

10. Magisto   iOS      Android      Windows

Quick and simple edits are easy to make and share instantly with Magisto.


Vimeo Create

11. Loopideo   iOS      Android      Windows

Loopideo is an app designed to play video in a constant loop.

12. CineSound FX   iOS      Android      Windows

CinesoundFX lets you choose between four different effects and sounds to apply to your videos, photos, and sounds.

13. ProCam FX   iOS      Android      Windows

ProCam Fx is a great photo editor for both beginners and professionals.

14. Animoto Video Maker   iOS      Android      Windows

Caption photos and make fun videos with them adding fun styles and music.

15. Filmmaker Pro   iOS      Android      Windows

With Filmmaker Pro, in addition to genre-standard features like splicing, themes, and music, you can also import clips and music from external sources like Microsoft Onedrive.

16. Perfect Video Maker   iOS      Android      Windows

Another useful video editor for the classroom that allows for the easy addition of subtitles, watermarks, transitions, and even split screens/backgrounds.

17. TiltShift Video   iOS      Android      Windows

TiltShift Video gives you all the editing features you need to turn your videos and photos into awesome tilt-shift creations.

18. TouchCast   iOS      Android      Windows

Create videos using TouchCast for a TV studio experience on the go.

19. Stop Motion Studio   iOS      Android      Windows

Turn your videos and photos into stop-motion videos.

20. Video Mixer Pro   iOS      Android      Windows      

Video Mixer Pro allows you to combine multiple videos into one. Add special effects and share easily on any platform.

21. Action Movie FX   iOS      Android      Windows 

Throw some big-budget film effects in your videos.

22. Horizon   iOS      Android      Windows

Horizon allows you to not only edit your videos but film your videos in multiple modes and angles.

22 Of The Best Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom; 22 Of The Newest–And Best–Apps To Make Videos In The Classroom

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