12 Of The Best Bookmarking Tools For Teachers
by TeachThought Staff
What are the best bookmarking tools for teachers?
From apps to browser extensions for teachers and social readers to publishing platforms, these tools come in many forms. Below, we’ve gathered our favorite ways to save articles, media, curricula, lesson plans, and anything else you might want to save during your daily skimming.
12 Of The Best Bookmarking Tools For Teachers
1. Pocket
One of our favorite bookmarking apps, Pocket is a simple way (especially with the browser extension) to save skimmable content that’s easy to organize into categories by tags. Like most of the tools here, it has bells and whistles that extend its function including content discovery and saving articles for offline viewing as well as saving pages that might become unpublished.
Pocket was previously known as Read It Later.
2. Google Keep
Google Keep isn’t a traditional bookmarking tool but as a Google tool, it is focused on ease-of-use and interdependence with other tools in the Google ecosystem. You can save basic notes but also more complex media, and tag content by category and topic.
3. Scoop.it
Scoop.it is a bookmarking tools for teachers that focuses on easy organization of content into ‘topics’ that then produce pages that are easy to skim.
4. Flipboard
Save articles into highly-readable, ‘visual’ magazines for reading on your planning period, or from home after work.
5. Collect
Another favorite of ours, Collect by We Transfer is like Pinterest but without the ‘social media’ function–which makes it wonderful.
6. Livebinders
Bookmark and save content into digital ‘binders’ and collaborate with other teachers to collect resources.
7. Digg
A combination of computer algorithm and human editors that curate the ‘best of’ the web, Digg acts as a teacher bookmarking tool by allowing them to save content (which is likely part of how they ‘discover’ great content).
8. Pinterest
One of the most popular bookmarking sites on the planet, Pinterest allows users to bookmark pages, posts, and products into collections organized by ‘boards.’
9. Instapaper
Teachers can save interesting articles, ideas, curricula, videos, social media posts, and more into a collection that looks like a ‘newspaper’–thus the name ‘Instapaper.’
10. Medium
Part publishing platform, part curation tool, Medium isn’t a traditional curation tool but does function as one in the way users can indeed ‘curate’ and suggest content to be published across Medium’s platform.
11. Mix
Formerly StumbleUpon, Mix is much like Digg in that it functions more as a content discovery tool than a pure bookmarking tool for teachers. That said, content ‘mixed’ is curated into a visual collection that’s easy to skim and looks attractive (if that matters to you as a reader).
12. Pearltrees
Pearltrees has been around awhile–its claim to fame was its concept map-like ‘trees’ where each node of the tree is something you’ve saved. We’re not sure how popular it is with teachers these days, but it’s still a useful tool to save articles, media, and other content useful for your teaching.
You can follow us on Pearltrees as well, though we haven’t pinned content there in awhile.
Teachers save commonly-used sites to a ‘starting page’ to use as portal for your web browsing. This is less ‘content curation’ and more of a central hub for your browsing.
12 Of The Best Bookmarking Tools For Teachers