A Step-By-Step Plan To Create A BYOD Policy For Schools

If you haven't noticed lately, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD policy) is kind of a big deal, both in business, technology, and education fields.

A Step-By-Step Plan To Create A BYOD Policy For Schools
A Step-By-Step Plan To Create A BYOD Policy For Schools

How To Create A BYOD Policy For Schools

by TeachThought Staff

If you haven’t noticed lately, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is kind of a big deal, both in business, technology, and education fields.

Why? In education, BYOD (and its initialistic cousin, BYOT), 1:1, and other trends are symbolic of (at least) three things:

1. Schools, teachers, and students want technology in the classroom

2. Technology is expensive

3. Schools are looking for solutions

The following excellent graphic from byodsandpit.weebly.com offers a plan to begin guiding your school towards a BYOD policy or plan that works for you. In that way, it is better than copy/pasting another school or district’s policy, making sure whatever you come up with is, at worst, personalized for your application.

It is arranged in 3 stages–Research, Consultation, and Development. Each stage is broken down into steps, from assembling teams (not committees!), to surveying and analyzing subsequent device data, to drafting a policy.

What should be in a BYOD policy? What are the characteristics of a policy that works? Who should input on the policy’s design? And what kind of data will suggest whether it’s working or not? All good questions for upcoming TeachThought content.

In the meantime, see also 20 BYOT Resources by Category.

9 Steps For Schools To Create Their Own BYOD Policy

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